
create texture from canvas instead of importing from .png file (similar to CanvasTexture in js)

AlexanderMonneret opened this issue · 4 comments

i'm new to flutter, i'm trying to dynamically change the UV Texture of the 3D model while the app is running.
I thought about overwriting the .png texture file in assets but this isn't allowed in Flutter. the alternative is to generate the texture with a function and render it on the 3d model.

the problem is the textureloader only accepts a path or url, is it possible to modify it so it accepts an image object to load the texture dynamically?

thanks in advance,

cheers from Germany!

maybe you need update flutter canvas, read pixels from flutter canvas, then use DataTexture which accept pixels data

thanks for the quick response!!
I have tried the following but it didn't work :/ the DataTexutre.LoadAsync() is also not implemented
I would really appreciate it if you would provide an example

// funtionc that generates an image

generateAndSaveGrid() async {
    // Define the size of the grid and the size of each square
    final gridSize = Size(3 * 100.0, 10 * 100.0);
    final squareSize = 100.0;

    // Create a PictureRecorder to record the painting
    PictureRecorder recorder = PictureRecorder();
    Canvas canvas = Canvas(recorder);

    // Paint each square with a random color
    Random random = Random();
    var index = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
        Paint paint = Paint()
          ..color = Color.fromARGB(255, random.nextInt(256),
              random.nextInt(256), random.nextInt(256));
                i * squareSize, j * squareSize, squareSize, squareSize),

    // Create a picture from the recorded painting
    Picture picture = recorder.endRecording();
    // Convert the picture to an image
    ui.Image imago =
        await picture.toImage(gridSize.width.floor(), gridSize.height.floor());
    ByteData? byteData = await imago.toByteData(format: ui.ImageByteFormat.png);

    return byteData;
//var textureLoader = three.TextureLoader(null);
//texture = await textureLoader.loadAsync('assets/bracelet/uv.png');
var mapImage = generateAndSaveGrid();
var texture = three.DataTexture(mapImage, 300, 1000);

this is an example use DataTexture

read pixels from canvas then copy to three_dart, maybe performance is bad, if change texture high frequency

if you need better performance, should use OpenGL share context create texture share to three_dart, Develop native flutter plugins yourself 😄

It worked! thank you so much!!! :D :D