
Not all scene elements visible at once on Windows

JayKay135 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello there,

First of all thank you very much for this amazing library.
But I am unfortunately experiencing mixed results with Windows projects.

When I add multiple objects to the scene (like a cylinder, grid helper, etc.) then they are not all rendered and visible at once.
Sometimes nothing is visible, other times just the cylinder, but mostly it is impossible to see all actually added items together.

It feels totally random which item will be visible next time.

What I should be able to see


What I mostly see


I've recreated a basic example project where I am experiencing the described issue https://github.com/JayKay135/three_dart_test.

Nothing fancy there despite my small scene reloader on window size changes.

I've actually tested this project on another computer (NVIDIA Quadro T2000) where everything works as expected.
My machine uses a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080.

Thanks in advance for your help.

I am experiencing a similar issue with NG RTX2080