
Using Shackle with Help Buffers

sk8ingdom opened this issue · 2 comments

I use the following in shackle-rules:
("*Help*" :align below :ratio 0.33 :select t)
which works great. Unfortunately, when I follow a link to, for example, go to the function definition in an elisp file, it opens the file in the window spawned by shackle.

Any idea would I modify my configuration to instead open the file in the original window I called help from similar to helm-buffers-list?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks for making an awesome package that's pivotal to my workflow!

A very similar example has been addressed in the README in the Limitations section. To check whether it's possible at all, use M-x shackle-trace-functions and check the *shackle trace* buffer. It should be possible, but I doubt it's worth the pain of hacking the unreadable mess help-fns.el appears to be.

Hey, thanks a bunch for the feedback! If anyone encounters this issue in the future, I was able to solve it with ace-mode (code below). It requires an extra button push, but gives me more flexibility as well.

;; Enable ace-window
(require 'ace-window)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x o") 'ace-window)

;; Ace configuration for help
(require 'ace-link)

;; Ace configuration for help
(defun my/help-find-file-ace-window ()
  "Use ace window to select a window for opening a file from dired."
  (let ((file (button-get (button-at (point)) 'path)))
    (if (> (length (aw-window-list)) 1)
        (aw-select "" (lambda (window)
                        (aw-switch-to-window window)
                        (find-file file)))
      (find-file-other-window file))))

(define-key helpful-mode-map "o" 'my/help-find-file-ace-window)
(define-key helpful-mode-map (kbd "<return>") 'my/help-find-file-ace-window)