Audio issues - static, dropped sound etc.
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Mostly I have found this to work great! The lag is negligible. However, occasionally I hear light static that lasts less than a second, and other times the sound cuts out completely. To fix the last issue, I unplug it, plug it back in, and reconnect my headphones and everything is fine again. Just one time so far it replayed sounds at a regular, quick, interval. I have not been using this very long, maybe 6 hours spread over a few days, but these are the issues I have seen. I understand this is a very alpha product and is still being developed. I would be happy to try to submit helpful info, but other than the behaviors I have witnessed and my resolution, I don't know what else might be helpful. I am using Windows 10. The listed issues have happened while watching youtube as well as videos played with VLC.
Thank you for the report!
The light static and sound cuts out are two individual problems.
The light static occurs when the USB buffer need to resync with the Bluetooth buffer. The resync may happen when the Bluetooth connection is poor or in other conditions. But I will try to fill the buffer with 0 when resync so you will not hear the light static.
I know the sound cuts may occur, but it will occur after a very long time (>30min). It will be hard to capture the issue. So it will take a long time to fix.
For additional info, the pic is basically 2 feet away from my headphones. Could still be a poor quality connection if there's interference perhaps, but it's not a distance issue.
Yeah, the sound drop > 30 mins is about what it was the first couple times. I think I noticed the pico not displaying any status light after that. I don't think I recall the bootsel button doing anything in that state, so it made me wonder if it shut off...