Garage Door opening by itself
Opened this issue · 5 comments
Thanks for the effort with this plugin, as well as the ESP8266 part of it.
Works well (mostly) and was quite easy to get going.
I recently got a new TP Link Smart Plug, and installed the home bridge plugin for that also.
As soon as I installed that, and open Kasa (Which is the TP Links own iPhone app to control the smart plug with) it would sometimes (not always, not easy to reproduce at all) open my garage door. This is a VERY scary issue.
I feel that when home bridge is perhaps trying to read the state of the door, it SETs the state in some cases.
Below is my home bridge config.json, which includes 2 Temperature sensors (These have never caused any trouble with the Garage Door).
I haven't had any time to try and set up the dev environment with extra logging to see how and when it triggers the door set state, but for now I disconnected the wires from the door opener, I just have the open and closed reed switches connected, so I can at least see if the door is open or closed.
Any ideas or help would be appreciated.
"bridge": {
"name": "Homebridge",
"username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:28",
"port": "51826",
"pin": "111-22-333"
"accessories": [
"accessory": "HttpTemphum",
"name": "Lexi Temperature",
"url": "",
"sendimmediately": "",
"http_method": "GET"
"accessory": "HttpTemphum",
"name": "Study Temperature",
"url": "http://nodemcu3.",
"sendimmediately": "",
"http_method": "GET"
"accessory": "HttpGarageDoorController",
"name": "Garage Door",
"lightName": "Garage Light",
"doorOperationSeconds": 22,
"httpHost": "garagedoor.",
"httpPort": 80,
"httpSsl": false,
"httpStatusPollMilliseconds": 4000,
"httpRequestTimeoutMilliseconds": 10000,
"oauthAuthentication": false,
"apiConfig": {
"apiType": "HttpGarageDoorController"
"platforms": [{
"platform": "TplinkSmarthome",
"name": "TplinkSmarthome",
"broadcast": "",
"devices": [{ "host": "tplinkhs1."}],
"addCustomCharacteristics": true,
"inUseTheshold": 1
Sounds like an issue with the hardware (if it were software we’d all be having the same issue).
What relay board are you using? Can you draw a schematic if the wiring?
Although... this only happens when you use that 3rd party app? What does the home bridge console/log say when using that app and the door opens?
I will try to send through a schematic, although I used it for months and months with no trouble. It was only when I added the additional homebridge plugin for the TP Link plug.
It opens the door when accessing the plugs custom software (which doesn't know anything about homebridge).
I think its reinitializing the accessories or something like that which causes a door state change.
I did manage to catch a log sreen shot (attached below) a while back when it happened. But the trouble is I can't reproduce it myself. It has happened maybe 4 or 5 times before I disconnected the wires between the ESP8266 and the door opener.
It looks like it literally calls the 'open door' command from somewhere.
The reason why I'm thinking that it's in this plugin somewhere is that nothing else knows anything about the ESP8266's web api's or URLs, so I assume it must be coming through homebridge.
I guess the first thing I need to try and do is set up a dev environment, and add logging before each set door state commands, so I can see which one it is.
The output is interesting...
The HTTP request to the Arduino controller to open/close the door only appears in the plugin function setDoorTargetState(), this function always outputs the log message "Received request to operate the Garage Door" before making the HTTP request.
This message isn't in your output at the time you indicated meaning something else is kicking off the door being opened (and the log entries to OPEN are it detecting the open door from the sensors).
That's all I can come up with until you're able to run it with verbose debug logging.
Hi Warren,
I managed to have a bit of time to look into this again. I figured out what the problem was.
I had used the pin that is connected to the built in LED for the door open/close pin... So each time the LED is triggered in the code, it would open the door, even though we are not issuing a set door state.
I will see how it goes now but I think it should be good now :)