
Updating existing page with builder sections removes paragraphs from content

Closed this issue · 2 comments

With the recent upstream changes to Make, the following happens: (UGH)

  1. Edit an existing page with existing sections.
  2. Without doing anything, click update.
  3. Preview post - all (?) columns will no longer be auto wrapped with <p>, losing formatting.
  4. Edit page again. Click on column, click done.
  5. Update page again. Content exists as expected.

Somehow that interaction with the content initiates an autop event that does not happen if it is not touched.

We need to fix that. :)

<p> exists in the iframe displayed in the pre-edit section:
screen shot 2014-12-18 at 11 33 22 am

After updating the un-edited page, the <p> continues to exist in the iframe:
screen shot 2014-12-18 at 11 33 54 am

Viewing the now updated page results in missing paragraphs in the final body copy:
screen shot 2014-12-18 at 11 34 14 am

Editing the section, clicking done, and then updating the page causes the final body copy to have paragraphs:
screen shot 2014-12-18 at 11 34 42 am

Confirmed as fixed after #146 in production!