Some of the problems
Zhangxq-1 opened this issue · 7 comments
Dear Professor ,thank you for reading! When I run the code following the steps, I meet some problems.Can you help me ?
the problems is:
OSError:No such file" /home/zxq/code/NeuralCodeSum/data/java/train/code.origin_subtoken
and when I run the bash,
I got: FileNotFoundError: no such file or directory : 'train/code.original_subtoken
now I am solving this problem by downloading the dataset Manually
Hi, I am unable to reproduce the error that you reported. On my side, the codebase in the current repository works fine. Can you clone the repo from latent commit and try one more time?
ok, now I am solving this problem by downloading the dataset manually.Thank you very much
Hi , I am process the code.original to code.original_subtoken, it will be great if you can provide me with the source code, I am doing some other experiments on it.
How to generate a summary on a given file using the trained model?
Please checkout the bash scripts. You can either run the greedy test or beam search test (or both too) by placing the trained model in the appropriate location.
Given a piece of code, how do i create subtokens for it in order to augment the dataset?
Given a piece of code, how do I create subtokens for it in order to augment the dataset?
Please see the code_tokenizer to see how we performed sub-tokenization.