
`cargo wasix test`: Error while importing "wasix_32v1"."sock_accept_v2"

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al8n commented

Hi, I am trying to run cargo wasix test for my project with this Cargo.toml, but I got this error. I cannot find any clue to fix it. Any ideas? Thanks!

tokio = { version = "=1.24.2", features = ["full"] }

socket2 = { git = "https://github.com/wasix-org/socket2.git", branch = "v0.4.7" }
libc = { git = "https://github.com/wasix-org/libc.git" }
tokio = { git = "https://github.com/wasix-org/tokio.git", branch = "wasix-1.24.2" }


info: Post-processing WebAssembly files
     Running `/Users/al/.cargo/target/wasm32-wasmer-wasi/debug/deps/showbiz_wasm-fcdd37f471140938.wasm`
warning: Found more than 1 WASI version in this module (`wasi_snapshot_preview1`, `wasix_32v1`). If this is intentional, pass `--allow-multiple-wasi-versions` to suppress this warning.
error: failed to run `/Users/al/.cargo/target/wasm32-wasmer-wasi/debug/deps/showbiz_wasm-fcdd37f471140938.wasm`
│   1: failed to instantiate WASI module
│   2: Instantiation failed
╰─▶ 3: Error while importing "wasix_32v1"."sock_accept_v2": unknown import. Expected Function(FunctionType { params: [I32, I32, I32, I32], results: [I32] })