
Automatic Dependency Screening and Patching

theduke opened this issue · 0 comments

Problem Statement

Currently many common crates are not compatible with WASIX and require forks to work properly.

This results in a very suboptimal user experience.

cargo wasix should check for the presence of such dependencies in Cargo.lock, and either apply automatic fixes or inform the user.

This should apply to cargo wasix {check,build,run}.


cargo wasix {check,build,run} should:

  • make sure the Cargo.lock has been generated
  • Check the Cargo.lock for well-known incompatible crates
  • In case a fork exists:
    automatically extend the [patch.crates-io] section with the appropriate patches
  • In case no fork exists:
    Fail the build with a concrete error, like crate XXX is not compatible with WASIX yet

Care must be taken to pick branches that match the semver constraints for the patches, otherwise the patch will just be silently ignored.

List of crates


A good example is the WASIX Axum example found here: http://wasix.org/docs/language-guide/rust/tutorials/wasix-axum

It requires the below Cargo.toml to work properly:

name = "wasix-axum"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
axum = { version = "=0.6.9", features = ["tokio"] } # ← Updated Line
tokio = { version = "=1.24.2", default-features = false, features = ["full"] } # ← Updated Line
parking_lot = { version = "=0.12.1", features = ["nightly"] } # ← Added Line
socket2 = { git = "https://github.com/wasix-org/socket2.git", branch = "v0.4.7" } # ← Added Line
libc = { git = "https://github.com/wasix-org/libc.git" } # ← Added Line
tokio = { git = "https://github.com/wasix-org/tokio.git", branch = "wasix-1.24.2" }