How can i edit a program with golang and build it with tiny-go, then i can get wasm file?
HBrightShown opened this issue · 0 comments
HBrightShown commented
I met a problem:
I want to build a file to wasm file with golang, so how i cant communication with wasmer-go? I saw some example in wasmer-go, all example given like by follows:
wasmBytes := []byte(`
(global $one (export "one") f32 (f32.const 1))
(global $some (export "some") (mut f32) (f32.const 0))
(func (export "get_one") (result f32) (global.get $one))
(func (export "get_some") (result f32) (global.get $some))
(func (export "set_some") (param f32) (global.set $some (local.get 0))))
so, how i write a golang file and build it ,then i get wasmBytes? Others, how i transfer string and struct parameter to this file?