Maintained? or is it out of growing out of sync with general wasmer api?
glloydNAT opened this issue · 2 comments
@syrusakbary ,
I'm trying to obtain some clarity on this project's status and/or roadmap. It's been some time since last commit and I'm wondering whether or not it's still in line with the general Wasmer API and whether there are currently any intention to continue work on this SDK?
Thank you,
Garrett Lloyd
Hey @glloydNAT, thanks for opening the issue!
We have been focused on stepping up on Wasmer lately, but we want to focus on this project and other language integrations soon. If there's anything urgent to address in the meantime please let us know!
@syrusakbary, thank you for your quick reply! I've just started working with this codebase but didn't want to invest too heavily in its use if it was abandoned (so to speak). Your response is encouraging though. I will definitely post anything that comes up. Thanks again!