
Feature request : new classes `Uint64View`, `Int64View`, `Float32View`, and `Float64View`

kojix2 opened this issue · 1 comments

Thank you for creating very useful library.


I am building a tool as a hobby to call WebAssembly functions generated by Crystal language from Ruby to speed up. When I tried to pass a Ruby array to Wasm, I noticed that int64_view, uint64_view, float32_view, and float64_view were not yet provided.

Proposed solution

new methods: uint64_view, int64_view, float32_view, and float64_view
new classes Uint64View, Int64View, Float32View, and Float64View


The use of binary strings is a possible alternative. In that case, Ruby methods such as pack and unpack could be used.

Additional context

You can find similar functionality in Python bindings.

The method mentioned in the "Alternative" section using a binary string with pack and unpack is the method used in wasmtime-rb.
These are Memory#read(offset, size) and Memory#write(offset, value). I think this is a very easy-to-use and highly versatile method. Therefore, it might be better to adopt this method rather than adding a new View.

I am a little unsure if the code below is completely correct, but it should work like this.


        case type
        when 'int8'    then arg.pack('c*')
        when 'uint8'   then arg.pack('C*')
        when 'int16'   then arg.pack('s*')
        when 'uint16'  then arg.pack('S*')
        when 'int32'   then arg.pack('l*')
        when 'uint32'  then arg.pack('L*')
        when 'int64'   then arg.pack('q*')
        when 'uint64'  then arg.pack('Q*')
        when 'float32' then arg.pack('e*')
        when 'float64' then arg.pack('E*')
        else raise "unsupported type: #{type}"


      case type
      when 'int8'    then memory.read(addr, len * 1).unpack('c*')
      when 'uint8'   then memory.read(addr, len * 1).unpack('C*')
      when 'int16'   then memory.read(addr, len * 2).unpack('s*')
      when 'uint16'  then memory.read(addr, len * 2).unpack('S*')
      when 'int32'   then memory.read(addr, len * 4).unpack('l*')
      when 'uint32'  then memory.read(addr, len * 4).unpack('L*')
      when 'int64'   then memory.read(addr, len * 8).unpack('q*')
      when 'uint64'  then memory.read(addr, len * 8).unpack('Q*')
      when 'float32' then memory.read(addr, len * 4).unpack('e*')
      when 'float64' then memory.read(addr, len * 8).unpack('E*')
      else raise "unsupported type: #{type}"

Of course, the same thing can be done with the current version of wasmer-ruby using uint8_view.


      uint8_view = memory.uint8_view(addr)
      arg_uint8 = case type
                  when 'int8'    then arg.pack('c*')
                  when 'uint8'   then arg.pack('C*')
                  when 'int16'   then arg.pack('s*')
                  when 'uint16'  then arg.pack('S*')
                  when 'int32'   then arg.pack('l*')
                  when 'uint32'  then arg.pack('L*')
                  when 'int64'   then arg.pack('q*')
                  when 'uint64'  then arg.pack('Q*')
                  when 'float32' then arg.pack('e*')
                  when 'float64' then arg.pack('E*')
                  else raise "unsupported type: #{type}"
      arg_uint8.each_with_index do |a, i|
        uint8_view[i] = a


      uint8_view = memory.uint8_view(addr)
      case type
      when 'int8'    then Array.new(len * 1) { |i| uint8_view[i] }.pack('C*').unpack('c*')
      when 'uint8'   then Array.new(len * 1) { |i| uint8_view[i] }.pack('C*').unpack('C*')
      when 'int16'   then Array.new(len * 2) { |i| uint8_view[i] }.pack('C*').unpack('s*')
      when 'uint16'  then Array.new(len * 2) { |i| uint8_view[i] }.pack('C*').unpack('S*')
      when 'int32'   then Array.new(len * 4) { |i| uint8_view[i] }.pack('C*').unpack('l*')
      when 'uint32'  then Array.new(len * 4) { |i| uint8_view[i] }.pack('C*').unpack('L*')
      when 'int64'   then Array.new(len * 8) { |i| uint8_view[i] }.pack('C*').unpack('q*')
      when 'uint64'  then Array.new(len * 8) { |i| uint8_view[i] }.pack('C*').unpack('Q*')
      when 'float32' then Array.new(len * 4) { |i| uint8_view[i] }.pack('C*').unpack('e*')
      when 'float64' then Array.new(len * 8) { |i| uint8_view[i] }.pack('C*').unpack('E*')
      else raise "unsupported type: #{type}"