
>=8.2.0 loops while discovering .gitignore on a large hierarchy

wdanilo opened this issue · 10 comments

Hi, we are using cargo-watch in our project: .
After I bumped my installation from 8.1.1 (which had issues - infinite looping, because it was not ignoring all things in .gitignore) to 8.3.0, no changes in source files (not ignored) are matched and cargo-watch basically does not work anymore for us.

Debug logs. How you installed it. Give me something here.

Hi, sorry for not providing you with the logs. I was thinking that the repo URL would be enough, as running cargo-watch (in the version 8.3.0) there does not work. Anyway, here are logs with --debug --why. It looks like running cargo-watch -s "echo 'yo'" --why --debug loops indefinitely. I see the same logs over and over again. After some time I killed it, so the logs finish at the kill time:


Hmm, okay, so there is an issue here. Not entirely sure why it loops infinitely on your machine yet, and this is why logs are useful: on my machine, with your repo, it spends a few seconds loading gitignores (which is an side issue introduced by 8.2, I'll fix that), and then it works properly.

@passcod thanks so much for the reply. How can I help with debugging it?

I'm assuming you downgraded to 8.1.1 because 8.2 didn't work? If that's not the case, could you confirm which version range exactly doesn't work

Hi @passcod, I am sorry, I was sure I replied here but apparently I did not. You are correct, 8.2 has this issue. Anyway, right now none of 8.11, 8.2, nor 8.3 work on new MacOS. I believe this makes this issue a significant one. Do you agree with this thesis? If so, do you think you'd be able to take a look at it sooner than later? :)

It's, honestly, pretty far down my stack.

Hmm, do you mean that supporting MacOS is not important for cargo-watch? I'm asking just to be sure I understood it correctly, as it is a surprising statement taking into consideration that cargo-watch is advertised to be "the tool" to watch for Rust source code changes.

I mean that:

  • this is a small open source project, not a commercial product
  • i'm a single unpaid maintainer with other projects and many priorities
  • noone else has come up having this issue on mac
  • i've tested on older mac, as that's the hardware i have, and it's fine there
  • hence this particular issue seems like it only affects you, so yes, at the moment, it sure isn't high priority
  • this prioritisation for this one ticket does not in any way make a wider statement on support intent for a platform

again, this is an open source project. you want something right now? do the work. submit a PR. hire and pay someone else to do it, if you can't.

you may also refer to the license, which states that i provide this work

as-is and make no representations or warranties of any kind concerning the Work, express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including without limitation warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non infringement, or the absence of latent or other defects, accuracy, or the present or absence of errors, whether or not discoverable

@passcod I totally understand it. Unfortunately, I don't have enough of time to contribute here, as it requires pretty in-depth debugging. While I find cargo-watch to be the right solution in long-term, as it's written purely in Rust, until it works properly on modern MacOS and covers all .gitignore syntax, we made another project that is a in-place replacement for cargo-watch - we made it just in 1 evening, as it uses well-tested JS libs under the hood – for anyone facing this issue, you can find it here: (it works well on all Mac, Linux, and Windows, and supports all .gitignore syntax).