
Abort the game with error message

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I've met the abort with error message while running the game.

[DEBUG] <app.cc:26 FrameConfig()> FPS CAP : 60
[DEBUG] <app.cc:27 FrameConfig()> SPEED   : 2.000000x
[INFO] Renderer: metal
[DEBUG] <main_view.cc:22 operator()()> Start
[ERROR] <config_loader.cc:94 ConfigLoader()> effects is undeclared.
[FATAL] <app.cc:97 SetupScenario()> Scenario config load failure - effects is undeclared.

******** UNREACHABLE CODE "Scenario config load failure." ********
/Users/sujinkim/works/mengde/game/src/gui/app/app.cc:98 In function 'SetupScenario'

[1]    99149 abort      ./game

@wateret Do you know this problem??

@sjsinju The scenario format and the example scenario have been updated. Please always keep example scenario updated.

FYI, I usually keep the sce/example dir as symlink.

@wateret Got it :) Let me check.
