
Support various types of enemy AI

Closed this issue · 1 comments


  • AIExecutor interface
  • Bind with lua interface

Types of AI mode

  • do_nothing
    • Do nothing
  • random
    • Move to random position and do act
  • unit_in_range_random
    • Rush to a random unit in range
  • unit_in_range_priority (postponed)
    • Rush to a unit with priority in range
    • Priority : weakest unit in range first, or a unit that is likely to be killed with this move
  • hold_position
    • Stay in current position and do act if possible

Later works

These types requires additional parameter so it will be done in the future.

  • trace_specific_enemy
    • Trace specific enemy unit
  • trace_any_enemy
    • Trace any of enemy units (Maybe nearest)
  • rush_to_position
    • Rush to a specific position

% User defined AI is not the feature in near future.


Those types should be a thing that can be set by script

For example, in lua scenario script

game:set_ai_mode(unit_id, "hold_position")

Resolved by #136