
[Bug] Can't choose scenario while running with play.py

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I've copied example image source files likes https://github.com/wateret/mengde/blob/master/docs/How-to-Run-Example-Scenario.md. But I couldn't choose scenario in main view.

I figured out it is occurred if it runs with play.py (it's ok to run with just game.)
@wateret told me it may find wrong path now.

@sjsinju Could you please check if you have sce/example directory for both of these?

  1. PROJECT_DIR/build/Darwin.x86_64.Debug/mengde/ (default installation dir)
  2. PROJECT_DIR/build/Darwin.x86_64.Debug/game/ (default build dir)

play.py executes (1) which is default installation dir. So if you want to use play.py for play, make sure the scenario files are present in (1).

@wateret I am late to reply. It works well after I've copied scenario files to (1) as what you said. Thank you :)