
About the data

hyichao opened this issue · 14 comments

Is it possible that you provide your data (maybe part of them) for those want to have a try? A link or something. Thanks.

I don't know whether I have the right to make these datasets pullic, so I don't post the address in the README file.

If you want to have a try, the dataset can be downloaded from bellow:

Training dataset

Testing dataset

But there are no labels for the validation data to compute the accuracy. Can you please tell me where can I find that ? Thanks.

Thank you.

Thank for your help

I had met som problem that there are no lables for train and test.Can you provide this for me.thanks!

ok i have found label.txt

Hmmm....I still can not found the labels would u plz to teach me how to find the labels for the dataset?

can i know where to find label.txt . Thank you


Can you please let me know that how can I get the labels.txt file.. Thank You :)

@siddhantkaushal @Aditichintamani when you down load folder "image_contest_level_1", then labels.txt in folder this.

good, have a try

wiyr commented

dataset is not available now, can i still find it ?