Unable to shard update opengraph
Closed this issue · 4 comments
rishavs commented
I am unable to install opengraph as a shard.
It gives me this error.
rishav@Rishav-laptop:/mnt/c/Users/risharan/Documents/GitHub/noir$ shards update
Fetching https://github.com/watzon/opengraph.cr.git
Failed git ls-tree -r --full-tree --name-only v0.1.0 -- shard.yml (). Maybe a commit, branch or file doesn't exist?
I am on Crystal 0.30.1
watzon commented
What does your shard.yml
file look like?
rishavs commented
name: noir
version: 0.1.0
- Rishav Sharan <rishav.sharan@gmail.com>
# pg:
# github: will/crystal-pg
# dotenv:
# github: gdotdesign/cr-dotenv
# jwt:
# github: crystal-community/jwt
github: watzon/opengraph.cr
# crog:
# github: rishavs/crog
main: src/noir.cr
crystal: 0.30.1
license: MIT
watzon commented
Try again. Should be fixed.
rishavs commented
Can confirm as fixed.