Document byte / character-based protocol in byte order using range description
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You described a workaround for representing bytes using a wavedrom bitfield in #10.
I would like to document the following byte/character based protocol command structure:
Command structure:
* DT: this specific command uses 0x00
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
|<------------------- CRC16 --------------------->|
15 01 23 45 67 98 76 54 32 80 00 00 65 72 06 B8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -- -- -- -- --
^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^
ID TargetAddr# SourceAddr# Idx DT ? TimeStamp Gap Password CRC16 CRC8
However the main difficulty here is that the legend of the bytes is ordered ascending,
while a common bitfield is ordered from most significant to least significant bits, ie. descending.
Are there options to reverse the order, e.g. bytes 00 .. 31 for a byte based protocol instead of bit 31 .. 00 for bitfields.
Side note: for bitfields it also might be interesting to specify big- vs little-endianness for display of a register block ?
I could workaround it by using a wavedrom signal, but I would prefer something like the register view with byte order.
{signal: [
{name:'Clock', wave: 'p...........' },
{name:'Data', wave: 'x345.6.78.9x', data: '7E 07 00000000 00000000 00 07 7F' },
{name:'Description', wave: 'x345.6.78.9x', data: 'SOF ID TargetAddr# SourceAddr# 0x00 CRC8 EOF' },
{name:'Request', wave: '01.........0' }
text:'Messages: DTU to INV: "Init" (0x07)',
text:'Messages 0x07',
Vertical flip vflip changes the order of bits inside the lane.
{reg: [
{bits: 1, name: 'MID', attr: '0x07', type: 2},
{bits: 4, name: 'TargetAddr#', attr: '0x12 34 56 78', type: 4},
{bits: 4, name: 'SourceAddr#', attr: '0x98 76 54 32', type: 6},
{bits: 1, name: 'Idx', attr: '0x80', type: 5},
{bits: 1, name: 'DT', attr: '0x00', type: 2},
{bits: 1, name: '??', attr: '0x00', type: 3},
{bits: 4, name: 'TimeStamp', attr: '0x65 72 06 B8', type: 3},
{bits: 2, name: 'Gap', attr: '0x00 00', type: 3},
{bits: 2, name: '', attr: '0x00 00', type: 3},
{bits: 4, name: 'Password', attr: '0x00 00 00 00', type: 3},
{bits: 2, name: 'crc16', attr: '0xC9 72', type: 1},
{bits: 1, name: 'crc8', attr: '0x07', type: 1},
], config: {vflip: true, hspace: 1400}}
Note: Are the range annotation |<-- CRC16 -->| available in a wavedrom signal: also available in a wavedrom reg: byte / bitfield ?