
Error when running wavefrom cli

samdejong86 opened this issue · 9 comments

When I try to run the wavedrom cli, I get this error:

npx wavedrom-cli -i test.json -s test.svg
Unexpected token {

The file test.json is attached here: test.txt (filename changed since github doesn't like json files.

This file works in the online editor and was saved from there.

I am on Ubuntu 18.04

drom commented

Please try again with new version

Thank you for the quick response. I pulled the latest trunk, and when I ran it I get this error:

Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
drom commented

Did you tried npx wavedrom-cli -i test.json -s test.svg ?

BTW. What node version do you use?

Yes, I tried that command.

I'm on v8.10.0 of node.

drom commented

Tool supports node 12+

Great, it works now! Thanks!

It's rendering the multiplication dot symbol '·' as a diamond with a question mark. I assume this is due to some package I may be missing on my computer. (It does not do this with the online editor)

Also, it takes about 30s to render the image (I think a lot of that time is getting the appropriate libraries, it shows [#########.........] | .... In my application, I have a large number of json files to render for a latex document, and spending 30s on each json will greatly increase the compile time. Do you have any advice to speed this up?

Thanks again for the tip to update node. I'm not very experienced with node, so I appreciate your patience.

drom commented

you can install npm i wavedrom-cli localy, and then run ./node_modules/bin/wavedrom-cli fast.
I have updated instruction.

Great, thanks for the tip!