- AchBakirtzis
- alexk101University of Tennessee
- alg0traderColorado
- andagel
- cheungxi
- chiro2001Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen
- chooopBeijing
- cpgAmahi
- dcgithubNone
- dendisuhubdy@bitwyre
- dhy2000
- Digital-IDENanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- FelipeCalliariPUC-Rio
- furrysalamanderProvo, Utah
- heartacker
- jhuang234
- kaloutsakisAthens Exchange Group
- laurencedvRealEE
- LSTM-KirigayaUSTC
- niosHD
- nobodywasishere@KagiSearch
- phsauterETH Zürich
- qarlosalberto@softwareradiosystems
- runningyong
- smgl9
- splinedriveBerlin, Germany
- stevehooverRedwood EDA (@rweda, though most of our open source work is on gitlab)
- stevenadsouzaPune, Maharashtra, India
- svenka3VerifWorks
- thbjohnson
- tvannoy
- urbanij
- vowstarShenzhen, China
- yupferrisArm
- zym787