CC payment UX issues.
ericelliott opened this issue · 6 comments
The CC payment feature doesn't work in the US, and the 3rd party payment UI is terrible on mobile screens.
I'd rather not see the option for a credit card purchase than be dumped off into that 3rd party mess.
Hello. Unfortunately, we cannot offer another service for credit card yet. We are aware of this problem and are working on it. But if you have any cryptocurrency, you can generate blockchain address in Receive-partition of application and send the cryptocurrency to it. Thank you for your feedback.
Maybe it's better not to display CC button to US-based customers at all?
I additionally found out about this issue. Our partners Сoinomat and Indacoin convert fiat money into cryptocurrency. And they accept Visa and Mastercard around the world. Maybe you have a credit card of another system.
Coinomat/Indacoin pops up a (very ugly, hard-to-read, not-correctly-formatted-on-mobile) modal message that says something like "Sorry. We can't serve customers in the United States."
If it works at all. I tried to get you an exact quote of the error message modal, but right now it's just giving me:
504 Gateway Time-out
from nginx.
This is not problem of the app.
Please contatct with support of our partners Сoinomat and Indacoin.