
Hello Problem When trying to setup Own Local FicSave

szereka opened this issue · 1 comments

Hiya All!

I Might be just Dumb but i am trying to follow the Instructions in the Readme File BUT!

Composer check Done:
Got and Error :
Package guzzle/common is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use guzzle/guzzle instead.
Package guzzle/stream is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use guzzle/guzzle instead.
Package guzzle/parser is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use guzzle/guzzle instead.
Package guzzle/http is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use guzzle/guzzle instead.

Calibre check Done Works Purfekt

Crontab Info Check DONT Work Path not working and Where should i start to look for the correct Path????

and Last How do i get this to work ??? when crontab do start and where on the Mashine do i connect to the page ?? ip : Port the What to the What ???

My Best And Warmest Regards

PS i Do LOVE the Ficsave.xyz Page but wanted a local so i can play and do multi stories download over Time.

Having gotten this to work myself, you need two servers.

one for index.php, and one for the websocket connection.

You can run the server for the websocket connection with "php artisian server:run" in the root "FicSave" directory. It MUST be on port 8080, that's hardcoded somewhere, and that command will run in properly. I haven't found another way to do this. Supposedly the php internal web server is just for development, so you probably don't want to do this in a publicly accessible environment. I.E. I don't know how to run this in a way appropriate for public access.

The other server MUST have the root of the document directory pointed at Ficsave/public, but can be on any port. I'm using lighttpd, but any web server that can run php as CGI would work fine. I'm serving other things too, so I've run a multi-port configuration with my root on :80, and FicSave on :8000. It works, but is less than ideal.

But I'm still having some problems. The "download-begin" call from the webbrowser never returns, and thus I can't start another download until the first finishes and the page gets reset by the download of the epub. Frustrating, I've no idea why, and debugging php is a pain.