
Stuck on Pending

Walkingwalkerwalks opened this issue · 15 comments

The queued fics gets stuck on 'Pending' status and disappears after a long while. Unlike what's been happening the past ten days, this time they don't reappear again and starts downloading the chapters and so it renders the site unusable.

Nevermind, I was too hasty

I'm reopening this issue because as of the time of this writing, this is actually happening, The download progress of the queued fics disappear and they don't reappear to start downloading the chapters like what's been happening for the past few days. I waited for more than thirty minutes until all the queued fics disappear to really make sure.

Try this: https://beta.ficsave.xyz/. Only click Download once (for now), else it'll start downloading the fic again.

Merry Christmas.

Also, I gave everything a restart again.

Hello again. Here's my report on both ficsaves:

  1. Ficsave.xyz is working again but not without problems. At first, the download progress for the queued fics start immediately but the download speed for the chapters and the building e-book process are very slow, with each chapter taking up to twenty seconds at worst case scenario to get downloaded and the building e-book process can take up to ten seconds. And then it's compounded by the Pending Delay problem making a return not long after I started using the site.

  2. beta.ficsave.xyz is working as well, fast download progress and the result is decent. However, my personal opinion is that the epub file from the beta ficsave is inferior to the one that the other site makes due to the lack of fic's title and description on the preface, the formatting of the chapters and the choice of font and its size. The lack of fic's title and description as a part of the epub file is my personal gripe on it.

That's my report for both sites. Merry Christmas to you too, waylaidwanderer.

the formatting of the chapters and the choice of font and its size

I personally didn't consider this as my ebook reader app lets me change the font/size, which I do change. Is that not something you can do?

lack of fic's title and description on the preface

You mean the title page with the fic title/author + summary? It'll be added to the beta version too, I just wanted to push something out quickly.

the formatting of the chapters and the choice of font and its size

I personally didn't consider this as my ebook reader app lets me change the font/size, which I do change. Is that not something you can do?

Not with the program I'm using to read epub with, it can only read them.

@Walkingwalkerwalks I made some improvements to the epub generated by the beta, can you try it out? Also what's your preferred font? And font size for the following: header, subheader, and body text? I'll adjust the epub to those values.

I tried out the beta site and I think the generated epub still needs more work but keep in mind that these are my personal preferences.

  1. Please get rid of the numbers on the left side of the title, the header, on top of the chapters, seeing the title being '1. Chapter 1' or something of the sort is a bit distracting but I acknowledge that this is also me being nitpicky.

  2. Please use Arial as the font, it's my preferred one for reading epub.

  3. Please keep the font size of the header, subheader and body text as they currently are, they're actually fine.

  4. Please make the space separated by the ff.net's border smaller.

That's all I can think of really, considering that the fic summary for the epub is something that is being worked on. The thing is, the epub generated by the main site really fits my personal preferences, that's why the epubs that the beta makes feels inferior to me. However, if you want to do something different, my advice is to go for it but not overdo it because the epub format of the main site, in my opinion, works very well.

The code/library used for the epub generation is different, so I'm trying to get the beta's generated epubs up to par with the old version's (which includes changes like using the Arial font). The chapter title issue is definitely something I'm planning to fix.

Please make the space separated by the ff.net's border smaller.

Sorry, not quite sure what you mean by this?

Ff.net has its own text editor available to its members and it has a type of border that writers can use if they log in with their accounts and use the text editor. This border can often be seen in a lot of stories instead of some filler text for the purpose of conveying a switch in the narrative flow, such as to skip some time in the story between two paragraphs or to switch to another character's perspective. In the epub generated by the beta site, this border takes up a lot of space compared to the epub generated by the main site, about three times wider.

@Walkingwalkerwalks I've made your requested changes, give the beta a try again and let me know if there are any issues.

I've checked it out and the format is much better now, thank you very much. However, there was an issue with one fic I tried downloading with the beta. It's a fic with only one chapter and for some reason, the beta site creates an epub that only has the fic's summary in it. The epub for the same fic created by the main site has the chapter, but not the one from the beta, which may be because of how the summary is listed as number 1 in the beta's epub while in the main site, the numbering starts at chapter one while the summary is left unnumbered.

I can't fix the table of contents issue as it's an issue with the epub-gen lib (I could make a custom TOC template but it's more work than it's worth atm), but thanks for the report about the single-chapter fic bug. I actually didn't test the beta with single-chapter fics, but now I have, and the issue is fixed.