
No relation details clicking the route on the map

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I recently created several hiking route relations on OSM for CAI (Italian alpine Club) and all of them are correctly visible on waymarkedtrails but one of them has a problem: clicking the track on the map doesn't show the relation details (clicking on the track does nothing).

If you access the data through the waymarkedtrails route link the data are present and seems complete and correct.


The only problem is that clicking the track on the map doesn't open the relation window.
I'm using Chrome (but tried also firefox) and cleared the cache several times.

What can be wrong ? Somebody can help me to understand why this happen?

PS. The route is framed using the link below, it is a red dashed lined marked "548"


I can confirm that I can reproduce the problem on the current site.

I'm in the middle of rolling out a new version of the site. So lets wait and see if the problem persists.

Just for your info, the relation 17371893, mentioned in my post, now works correctly but another one that I created today has the same problem.
Did You do something to fix the first problem or it's just a matter of waiting some time ?

Nothing has changed yet. I was not able to do the upgrade after all and likely won't have time in the next weeks. Sorry.