

Opened this issue · 2 comments


Hello :-)
Sweet. another successfully opened AMA issue.
How are you?

Hope yesterday worked ok for you. We appreciate feedback about how we can improve.

Just saw you linked your github profile under "projects" ...we didn't communicate this clearly enough yesterday.

  1. The idea is to make another new empty open source github repository and give it a project name, then make a README.md file or an issue and describe your project idea about what to learn and/or work on in context of the codecamp.
  2. If you could do that - the idea can be totally rough - we would then hope you go around other people's AMA issues (others do the same) ...and interview them about their project ideas.
  • the goal is to find like-minded people with similar ideas or complementary skills to work together
  1. So hopefully today or during the weekend you find either some beginners that you could mentor and make some easy issues on your project that they could help you with to learn something - while you practice remote outsourcing and "code review"
  2. or you find other experts with cool ideas and you brainstorm how to split/share the work to build a project together
  • either you or they could have a project to build a "module" to require in javascript
  • or you/they build an iframe that can be integrated by another project
  • or maybe it's a smartcontract on the blockchain that you can use/communicate with it as some kind of alternative to a tranditional backend.

If you have questions or feedback - I too have an AMA - or ask on the chat.
Would be nice to hear from you ;-)

did you already make a github repository for your project idea and have a link?