
What if there is <script> in the data-caption?

Noitidart opened this issue · 2 comments

If I put <script> into my data-caption field, will jQuery.html dangerously evaluate it here:

} else {
content = $element.attr(instance.settings.caption);
$targetAParent = $element.parent('a');
if ($targetAParent.length && instance.settings.withLink) {
var url = $targetAParent.attr('href');
$overlay = $('<a>', {
class: 'sliphover-overlay',
href: url || '#'
textDecoration: 'none'
} else {
$overlay = $('<div>', {
class: 'sliphover-overlay'
width: '100%',
height: instance.settings.height,
position: 'absolute',
left: left,
bottom: bottom,
display: instance.settings.verticalMiddle ? 'table' : 'inline',
textAlign: instance.settings.textAlign,
color: instance.settings.fontColor,
backgroundColor: instance.settings.backgroundColor

Thanks sir for your great work.

Is it save if I do .parseHTML instead of the .html?

wayou commented

i think there's no reason for someone who put script into it to hack himself.
what's more, the html is needed for customizing the look.