
Publication Language

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Knowledge base reference: http://kb.daisy.org/publishing/docs/epub/language.html


InDesign's export to EPUB 3 puts all the languages present in the document (even just a few characters tagged in a particular language) in the OPF file as metadata:


The knowledge base says:

[...] the dc:language elements should only list the primary languages that the content is written in. If a publication contains a few phrases in a foreign language, for example, that language is not listed.

How to fix it

We propose to add to the EPUB export wizard a field to select the main language of the ebook, in the same way as is handled for the export of Interactive PDFs:

Schermata 2022-06-29 alle 14 37 56

This metadata would be the only one to be included in the OPF file as <dc:language> and as the xml:lang attribute of the <package> tag.

This is mostly about creating a correct and valid EPUB rather than presenting an accessibility barrier.