

Opened this issue · 1 comments

We've revisited this issue. The problem was that we were not able to create nested unordered lists (ul within a ul). Through experimentation, we discovered that using the left indent setting, when consecutive list items have increasing left indents, the HTML code is correctly generated in a nested structure.

From a development standpoint, this solution works for us. However, we'd like to request that this information be publicly documented (perhaps in the official documentation), as we stumbled upon this "by chance" and aren't sure if other content creators are aware of it. Once the documentation is updated, we consider this issue resolved.

We'll return to list-related matters with the lower severity issues concerning indexes (#29), glossaries (#28), and bibliographies (#27), where best practices call for list elements without visible bullets. Currently, this can't be achieved in InDesign, but we'll address these in due course.