
__main__.ParseError: J2735_201603DA_fix.asn:39: Unexpected token AMPERSAND('&')

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I get the below error with ampersand. Any clues as to how to get rid of this? I ran the c.sh but still get the error

Code/Other_Code/wiresharkV2x/orig/wireshark-2x/tools/yacc.py", line 193, in call_errorfunc
    r = errorfunc(token)
  File "../../../../tools/asn2wrs.py", line 7808, in p_error
    raise ParseError(t, input_file)
__main__.ParseError: J2735_201603DA_fix.asn:39: Unexpected token AMPERSAND('&')
Makefile:697: recipe for target 'j2735-exp.cnf' failed
make: *** [j2735-exp.cnf] Error 1

The c.sh script must be run on ASN.1 file to get rid of this issue