
Stars not showing up in infowindow

RBIII opened this issue · 2 comments

RBIII commented

I'm working on a project using google maps. I want to display review and their ratings in the google maps info windows, however the stars aren't showing up. Curiously though they are still rendered, when I inspect the spot they show be I see

<div data-dimension="rating" class="star" data-rating="5.0" data-id="1" data-classname="Review" data-disable-after-rate="true" data-readonly="true" data-enable-half="false" data-half-show="true" data-star-count="5" data-star-path="/assets" data-star-on="star-on.png" data-star-off="star-off.png" data-star-half="star-half.png" data-cancel="false" data-cancel-place="left" data-cancel-hint="Cancel current rating!" data-cancel-on="cancel-on.png" data-cancel-off="cancel-off.png" data-no-rated-message="I'am readOnly and I haven't rated yet!" data-space="false" data-single="false" data-target="" data-target-text="" data-target-type="hint" data-target-format="{score}" data-target-score=""></div>

any idea why this is happening?

I'm also facing this same issue and wasted too much time to get rid of this issue.

Did you find any way to resolve this?


RBIII commented

@naiyyar Not really. Pretty sure it was occurring because I was trying to display multiple markers on the map each with their own rating so it didn't know how to target them. I just ended up making my own implementation.