File-owner and/or -permissions in config-folder won't be adjusted at first run (Bug?)
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Hi @ all,
this is my first time I'm using wazuh, and I hope my containers run stablely now!
However: As a security-feature docker offers a userspace-remapping so docker-containers run outside of the host's userspace. But there's a little issue when using this feature.
The shared/persistent storaged folders/files must be chowned by root to fit in that userspace. Usually one sets all of the persistent files to the first UID and GID of the designated remapping-userspace. For example: the remap-userspace begins with UID/GID 100000:100000, then this would be the UID and GID for the remapped root-superuser. When running the container at it's first time, the shared files and folders should be automatically be set to them's right ownerships by the containers (remapped) root-user.
However, within wazuh's container-instances it's impossible to let the server write to the .../config/wazuh-dashboard/wazuh.yml-file because of wrong file-permissions/-ownership.
If there's a list of the right ownerships and permissions, one could at least easily change them manually.
Thanks for reading!