
Timestamp in log file

yaniveliash opened this issue · 5 comments


I would appreciate if log file will include timestamps for TX/RX of packets.


The log file does have timestamps. If you mean what is displayed on the screen, the "-T" command line option can be used to specify the desired format. Does this help?

The stdout that I see is pretty much like so:

Now connected to IGate server euro.aprs2.net (
Check server status here

[ig] # aprsc 2.1.4-g408ed49
[ig] # logresp 4X5DL-10 verified, server T2GB
[ig] 4X5DL-10>APDW15:!3225.73NR03453.13E&

4X5DL-7 audio level = 48(13/13)   [NONE]   _||||____
[0.2] 4X5DL-7>3R0P00,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1:`>X<0x1c>l <0x1c>[/`_0<0x0d>
MIC-E, Human, Mic-Emsg, Special
N 32 00.0000, E 034 00.0000, 0 MPH

So I'm missing timestamps for RX and TX here

When you launch direwolf, append the switch -T %H:%M:%S. This will add timestamps to in the HH:MM:SS format. Note 14:56:22 below:

VE1JOT-5 audio level = 50(24/22) [NONE] :|:
[0.3 14:56:22] VE1JOT-5>APDW16,WIDE1-1:!4403.52NS06442.50W#PHG9140Brooklyn,N.S.
Position, OVERLAY DIGI (green star) w/overlay S, 81 W height=20 4dBi omni
N 44 03.5200, W 064 42.5000

Cool, thanks!

If you're looking for the full datetime, -T '%FT%TZ'.