
Not an issue but a comment

Opened this issue · 1 comments

bammi commented

Sorry didn't know of another way to comment on this project that I stumbled upon today, so I am leaving an issue, hope it does not offend anyone:
Did this project proceed beyond POC. I am really intrigued by the DDS approach. Immediately it bring to mind the QDX, and I understand the approach in QDX is different in that it does zero crossing detection in the audio domain, and can therefore work with stock WSJT-X or any other single tone FSK modes.

Actually my curiosity, modulo my limits of understanding of digital signaling, is peaked if this approach could also be applied to multi tone modes, or even to phase shift modes.

73 de k1jbd

wb2osz commented

Hi, Bammi.
This was just a proof of concept to see if we could extract the necessary information from wsjt-x and use a DDS chip to transmit the signal, rather than feeding audio into an SSB transmitter. FT-8 sends 1 of 8 different frequencies to encode 3 bits at a time. So this would be 8 level FSK. It was successful.
You could do the same thing for 2 tone FSK (e.g. RTTY),
If I recall correctly the chip allowed RF phase shifting but I don't think that would map properly into audio PSK.
The the radio development fell by the wayside when the global pandemic hit and we stopped meeting.
We can discuss in more detail at the next PART of Westford meeting.