=== Woo Open Graph === Contributors: wbcomdesigns Donate link: http://wbcomdesigns.com/donate Tags: woocommerce, open graph, meta tags Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 4.8 Stable tag: 1.0.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html This Plugin will add Open Graph Meta tags and dynamic values to your site. == Description == This plugin will add an extended feature to the big name “ WooCommerce ” that will adds well executed and accurate Open Graph Meta Tags to your site's <HEAD>...</HEAD> with title,description and WooCommerce featured image.By adding the meta tags,your site products/pages will be fully shareable to social sites.This plugin also provide you a feature to share your products/pages from product individual page directly by using social media share buttons. == Installation == This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. e.g. 1. Download the zip file and extract it. 2. Upload `woo-open-graph` directory to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 3. Activate the plugin through the \'Plugins\' menu. 4. Alternatively you can use WordPress Plugin installer from Dashboard->Plugins->Add New to add this plugin 5. Enjoy If you need additional help you can contact us for [Custom Development](https://wbcomdesigns.com/hire-us/). == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does This plugin requires WooCommerce = Yes, It needs you to have WooCommerce installed and activated. = Where Do I Ask for support? = Please visit [wbcomdesigns] (http://wbcomdesigns.com/) for any query related to plugin and WooCommerce. = Can i enable and disable meta tags from setting for open graph ? = Yes, You can enable and disable meta tags for any social site from plugin setting. = Can we share products to any social media site like facebook, twitter etc? = Yes, This plugin also provide you a feature to share your products/pages from product individual page directly by using social media share buttons. == Screenshots == 1. It is displaying default Plugin setting page screenshot-1.png 2. It is displaying simple screenshot when share products links on twitter screenshot-2.png 3. It is displaying simple screenshot when share products links on facebook screenshot-3.png 4. It is displaying simple screenshot when share products links on google Plus screenshot-4.png 5. It is displaying modified default Plugin setting page screenshot-5.png 6. It is displaying modified default Plugin meta tags in <HEAD>...</HEAD> tag screenshot-6.png 7. It is displaying modified default Plugin share buttons on product page screenshot-7.png == Changelog == = 1.0.0 = * first version. = 1.0.1 = * Added two more new social media sites linkedin and pinterest to this plugin. * Added more settings there to enable and disable any social media meta tags. * Added social media share buttons on product page that make easy to share any product.
This Plugin will add Open Graph Meta tags and dynamic values to your site.