
will the reference document make it back to the Repo?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I discovered many different things while working with an older version of HE_Mesh through the reference document. The HTML files that had all the inner secrets.

Is it wise for me to use the older reference document for guidance, or are there so many changes that it would be wiser, and saner, not to?

(trying to figure out how to understand the multi-slice segments a bit more, to turn them into paths I can save as a SVG file or collection of Bezier curves to use in Blender, etc. The result from HE_Mesh works better than the model/plane Boolean intersection in Blender)

wblut commented

Hi Gerry,

Are you using HET_Contours? Any function that returns List<WB_Segment> is unsorted, i.e. a segment soup. The two contoursAsPath functions return List of List<WB_Coord>. Each List is one ordered contour. They're slower due to the sorting.

I removed the reference because it's too outdated. Will it return? That depends on how much time I have to open this personal sandbox to others.

Hi. Just An update. I used Oxygen to create my own reference file for the updated HE_Mesh. So easy.