
Iss5 - Activation Function and Output

Closed this issue · 1 comments

We need to analyze the neural net's activation function and verify that it works correctly. Currently, the activation function is based on the Gaussian function with a sigma of 0.35. Also, for negative cases, the function returns it's negative output. The values should be restricted between -1 and 1, but further testing is required.

Also, the output is currently set for 1 in output[0] = no PE, 1 in output[1] = PE. Need to modify the code for single output, for output[0] = 0 is no PE and = 1 is PE.

Modified the activation function from Gaussian to hyperbolic-tangent function. Set the output to a single output node instead of two. Corrected default parameters to ones which result in a better solution for the modifications. This appears to be complete.