
create file modes

tarikaltuncu opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi there,

I can't find w+ mode to create a file if it does not exist already. I believe it'd be nice to have it.


yep, not currently possible. though it is fairly simple to add. wanna make a pr for it?

in the mean time you can just open your file and pass it to jsonlines.Writer() manually. jsonlines.open() is only for convenience.

@Beginner789 made a pr #47 for this, but i actually don't understand what's the use case here.

@tarikaltuncu wrote in the original report:

find w+ mode to create a file if it does not exist already

but that's not what w+ seems to do; see the docs for open().

a simple w mode will

open for writing, truncating the file first

and a will

open for writing, appending to the end of the file if it exists

both w and a are already supported by jsonlines.open() since they are useful patterns for writing data, as is r for readin. jsonlines has a Reader for reading, and a Writer for writing. the jsonlines.open() function is just a convenience function to quickly choose one of the two by simply passing a file name and a mode.

the file open modes with a + all involve both reading and writing from the same file, which doesn't seem to make any sense as a use case for this library.