
Better responsive Layout

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I generally like this plugin a lot - coming from drupal I kinda need it :).

But it looks awful on mobile devices.

What can I do, to fix it? Can I help?

Hey, @Slowwie, I’m going to be updating the build system and including it in this repo so it’ll be easier to contribute going forward. I’d love some suggestions and, even better, PRs after I move the Webpack build over. I’ll post another comment here when I get to it, but it might be a few weeks before I can find the time to set it all up.

Thanks for offering to pitch in 😃

Did this move forward any further? I just came to file a bug report about the mobile view. Looks fine when you first get there:


But when you click the edit button, you get this:


Hey, everyone. With the new setup using the Admin Bar Component, I ditched the mobile layout for now, in favor of letting you horizontally scroll through the buttons. I'd like to come back to working on a mobile layout again, but I'd like to make it a little more solid and maybe look at a more modern approach to the UI.

I'm going to close this for now and will continue to work on a solution in the Admin Bar Component repo instead.