
Custom brim trick to prevent warping

frdmn opened this issue · 1 comments

frdmn commented

If you don't want to mess with adhesive/tape to mitigate warping (when printing dividers in PETG, for example) or a brim which takes forever to completely clean in the dowel joints - you can use this little trick in PrusaSlicer to have a brim only on the straight edges:

Bildschirm­foto 2023-06-06 um 11 06 10

Add a generic box part, scale it accordingly so it matches the dividers length (and 1 layer height) and connect/overlap about 1 mm of your actual object. Then you can use the instance feature (+ shortcut) to copy the group as many times as you need it.

frdmn commented

No issue, just to document my workaround in case anyone else has issues with warping :)