
avn-nvm does not like .nvmrc to be system

srl295 opened this issue · 1 comments

Please describe your issue clearly and also include all details below.


GNU bash, versi'on 4.4.5(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin16.3.0)

avn is loaded in my ~/.{bash|zsh}{_profile|rc} file with:

~/.profile.d/extensions/avn as in here

nvm specific

  • As an nvm user I am confirming that I did not install with Homebrew

avn-nvm does not like having system in my ~/.nvmrc, it is specifically excluded Is there another way to make system my default? I don’t want an nvm-managed node to be default, just to fall back to nvm use system when not in a .node-version controlled directory.

This is a duplicate of #43. PR welcome!