Abort on Default SystemD Unit on Ubuntu 20.04 and Raspberry Pi OS (Latest)
sl33nyc opened this issue · 4 comments
@raspberrypi:~/GoveeBTTempLogger/GoveeBTTempLogger/usr/local/bin $ sudo ./goveebttemplogger -v 1 --log /var/log/goveebttemplogger --time 60 --svg /var/www/html/goveebttemplogger/ --battery 8 --minmax 8 --titlemap /var/www/html/goveebttemplogger/gvh-titlemap.txt
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): basic_string::erase: __pos (which is 47) > this->size() (which is 32)
It seems like the trailing /
on the --svg
directory is what causes the crash. I'm documenting here and will try putting my C++ hat on to submit a follow up pull request. (It's been awhile since I've written C++, so bear with me... 😁)
Is that the only output you got?
It looks like it's definitely a problem parsing the arguments, otherwise it would have reached the line that puts the code version in the output.
If you removed the trailing /
on the --svg
option it doesn't crash the same way?
Is that the only output you got?
If you removed the trailing / on the --svg option it doesn't crash the same way?
As a side-effect of removing the /
, it attempts to output SVG's to the path, /var/www/html/goveebttemploggergvh-XXXXXXXX.svg
@sl33nyc Thanks for pointing this out. I think I introduced the problem a couple of months ago and am not positive how my system has been correctly working. I just pushed new code that should fix it.
I also included a validated parameter dump if you use --verbose 3 or higher. It was especially useful because the machine I was testing didn't have those specific paths, so my validation routine didn't use either one initially.
If this now works properly, you can close the issue. ;-)
I think it works great now! Thanks for the quick fix!