
Example usage

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Please could you provide a working example in the project repository of how to use this plugin?


So, I built my bundle with pino as:

esbuild --platform=node --target=node14 --bundle --sourcemap --outfile=dist/index.js src/index.ts

how do I integrate the plugin?

I took output of that generation and put it as input for this plugin:

// error TS1208: 'build.ts' cannot be compiled under '--isolatedModules'
// because it is considered a global script file.
// Add an import, export, or an empty 'export {}' statement to make it a module.
export {}

// Multiple entryPoints & pino transports
const { build } = require('esbuild');
const esbuildPluginPino = require('esbuild-plugin-pino');

  entryPoints: {
    index2: './dist/index.js',
  outdir: 'dist',
  plugins: [esbuildPluginPino({ transports: ['pino-pretty', 'pino-sentry'] })],
  .catch(() => process.exit(1));

but the generated files seem wrong, they require files. that don't exist:

➜ yarn build
yarn run v1.22.19
$ yarn clean && yarn esbuild && ts-node build.ts && yarn declaration && yarn copy-files
$ rm -rf ./dist
$ esbuild --platform=node --target=node14 --bundle --sourcemap --outfile=dist/index.js src/index.ts

  dist/index.js      920.9kb
  dist/index.js.map    1.6mb

$ tsc --project tsconfig.declaration.json
$ set -e; install -d dist/bin; cp -p bin/pretty.sh dist/bin; cp -p config.json dist
✨  Done in 3.01s.
logger (esbuild) [★⇡4] ➜ ls dist
bin/        config.json  index.js.map  pino-file.js             pino-pretty.js  pino-worker.js  thread-stream-worker.js
build.d.ts  index.js     index2.js     pino-pipeline-worker.js  pino-sentry.js  src/
➜ cat dist/pino-file.js
"use strict";
const pino = require("./pino");
const { once } = require("events");
module.exports = async function(opts = {}) {
  const destOpts = Object.assign({}, opts, { dest: opts.destination || 1, sync: false });
  delete destOpts.destination;
  const destination = pino.destination(destOpts);
  await once(destination, "ready");
  return destination;

Please could you provide a working example in the project repository of how to use this plugin?


So, I built my bundle with pino as:

esbuild --platform=node --target=node14 --bundle --sourcemap --outfile=dist/index.js src/index.ts

Your build script should look like this (ref: https://esbuild.github.io/api/#build-api):

// Multiple entryPoints & pino transports
const { build } = require('esbuild')
const esbuildPluginPino = require('esbuild-plugin-pino')

  entryPoints: ['src/index.js'],
  platform: 'node',
  target: ['node14'],
  bundle: true,
  sourcemap: true,
  outdir: 'dist',
  plugins: [esbuildPluginPino({ transports: ['pino-pretty', 'pino-sentry'] })],
}).catch(() => process.exit(1))

alright thanks!

do you know if there's typescript ts.d support? currently I created extra tsconfig and run declarations only. that creates multiple .ts.d files based on original source files, but the index.ts.d could be also be aggregated to single file.

$ cat tsconfig.declaration.json
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/52341335/2314626
  "extends": "./tsconfig.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "declaration": true,
    "emitDeclarationOnly": true,
    "isolatedModules": false,
$ tsc --project tsconfig.declaration.json

Please refer to the esbuild build API about ts.d.
I don't have this requirement in my projects.