
Where do you find `Doc ID` for use in shortcode?

fartinmartin opened this issue · 1 comments

The documentation says you can exclude specific docs by referencing the Doc IDs of unwanted docs:

exclude Define a comma-separated list of Doc IDs to be excluded from the list. Example: [wedocs exclude="2693,2704,2711"]

How do you determine the Doc ID of specific documentations?

I was able to figure this out:

  1. In your admin panel go to Tools > Export
  2. Select Docs and click Download Export File
  3. Open downloaded .xml file in a text editor.
  4. Find your doc within <title></title> tags.
  5. Underneath you'll see the ID within <wp:post_id></wp:post_id> tags.

I imagine there's an easier way to do this within the site's database, but I'm new to WordPress so we'll go with this!