
FB Event transmits logged-in users' email adresses to FB

gp0 opened this issue · 5 comments

gp0 commented
            $user_email = wp_get_current_user()->user_email;
            echo $this->build_event( $facebook_pixel_id, array( 'em' => $user_email ), 'init' );

Not cool given the recent GDPR regulations.

Its really down to webmaster to inform users of this usage, and obtain consent for it, assuming that user is an EU citizen, of course. Or stop using Facebook pixels at all. The transmission itself is not "not cool" - doing it without consent might be an issue.

gp0 commented

The plugin does this by default without an option to turn it off.

Facebook pixels do this too. You're going to need to inform users if you use FB pixels at all.

gp0 commented

You're going to need to inform users if you use FB pixels at all.

That's clear, and not the issue.

Facebook pixels do this too

I doubt they collect email adresses potentially previously unknown to Facebook. Given the general audience of the plugin, i feel like this should be an option to enable or disable.

My point is: if you use Facebook pixels, you'll be communicating personal data to Facebook from all your users (regardless of the email address you have highlighted here), so the email address in and of itself is not the issue. The control to turn off sending data - were that the solution - would be to stop any and all data passing to Facebook?