
Restrict Specific Authors to Specific Category in WordPress

kabirbd89 opened this issue · 3 comments

This is not a issue.

WPUF is a plugin which is using for multiuser blog. And yet a core functionality missing. Which is Restrict Specific Authors to Specific Category

It will be nice if weDevs thinks about this feature.
When there is thousand of user with hundred of cat this feature will very helpful.

restrict specific user to post in a specific cat.


user x only post in cat a
user y only post in cat b
user z only post in cat c

so on...

@anik-fahmid thankyou for marking as feature.

In the meantime can you please suggest any plugin or custom code that can help me. I have 800tax with1000user. I need to assign each to a individual cat.


@kabirbd89 we are considering building the feature, but If you need an estimate or feel urgent for a custom solution to fix your problem please contact our support with this issue link. Our support will get you a proper and quick response.

@anik-fahmid well I solve the issue with a more complex way. Added two different custom field with the help of ACF. The field type is user and another one is taxonomy. Show Category field in user edit page and user field in category edit page.

Remove cat page from post add page and add some php code to automatically place the post to specific category for that user.

I am not sure whether I described it correctly or not but its works for me.