- 0
The <Details/> component is not mobile friendly
#63 opened by mansn - 0
E2E delete item test is unstable
#61 opened by mansn - 0
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Refactor all components with hooks
#26 opened by stefanfranzen - 1
Refactor the navbar so that the canvas and horizontal-links aren't at all rendered in mobile view. Today we have a display: none; css-fix, but we should not need to do it like that
#12 opened by stefanfranzen - 1
Add a 15px to 50px distance from the convas-container to the bottom. This sounds an easy task, but I think we'lll need to do some serious css-debugging to sort this.
#18 opened by stefanfranzen - 0
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Gör det möjligt för items i våra canvas-blocks, ska kunna lägga sig bredvid varandra på exempelvis Cost structures och Revenue streams blocksen, detta kan även vara användbart för introduktionen av andra typer av vyer av canvasen
#15 opened by stefanfranzen - 0
README is incomplete
#29 opened by mansn - 0
Implement cypress into the repository
#28 opened by stefanfranzen - 0
Byt ut de två ikonerna i navbaren för att byta vy, till en knapp som byter mellan vyerna samt uppdaterar ikonen att visa den tillfälligt valda vyn
#14 opened by stefanfranzen - 1
Unable to interact with forms on /login and /item/create (background image issue)
#27 opened by mansn - 0
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404 when refreshing pages
#23 opened by mansn - 0
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Lock down s3 bucket permission/access
#20 opened by stefanfranzen - 0
On the dropdown in the navbar, the hover of the submenu/menuitem triggers a white color on the link, and the background is also white so you can't see what the link reads. Change dropdown background or change color on the text when hover'ing
#10 opened by stefanfranzen - 0
The dropdown when toggled, for particularly mobile users has a bad look and feel
#7 opened by stefanfranzen - 1
Ändra vår dropdown i navbaren, till en split-dropdown.. och att namnet som står i den, skall vara vald dropdown, samt att den skall var klickbar för att länka användaren till canvas-sidan för detta canvasid
#13 opened by stefanfranzen - 0
Spinning icon on loading-button is uncommented because it's been broken since moving from react-bootystrap 1.0.0.beta5
#22 opened by stefanfranzen - 0
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När man klickar på formuläret för "../item/create/" sidan, blinkar och renderas navbaren om vilket den ej skall göras
#16 opened by stefanfranzen - 0
Refactor our imports of react-bootstrap components to "../Lib/<component>"
#11 opened by stefanfranzen - 0
Add a @media setting for iphone5, that the header-text in the navbar should change to a smaller font on small mobile devices, so that the toggle-button won't break
#19 opened by stefanfranzen - 0
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The dropdown of the mobile menu is not closing, when clicking on the Create Item-button or Logout-buttons
#9 opened by stefanfranzen - 0
Hosting in AWS
#1 opened by mansn - 0
Signup form
#2 opened by mansn - 0
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View items for a specific block
#4 opened by mansn