
Error message - unknown account specifier

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I'm trying to run the following command on Ethdo:

./ethdo account derive --mnemonic="your 12 or 24 word mnemonic here" --path="m/12381/3600/0/0"

When I put in my seed phrase, it keeps giving me this error message:

"Error: failed to process: failed to derive account: unknown account specifier" with the first word of my seed phrase.

What's odd is that the command works when using a newer seed phrase, as it produces a public key. Is the issue my seed phrase when I created it the first time with Staked.us or is this an ethdo error?

I checked my seed on another ethereum program and it worked, so I'm not sure why I'm getting this.

mcdee commented

What version of ethdo are you using? Support for 12-word phrases was added in 1.31.0. Also, are you putting quotes around your mnemonic as per the command?

This appears to be okay with a local test:

ethdo version
ethdo account derive --mnemonic="abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about" --path=m/12381/3600/0/0
Public key: 0x8ebe599559cbf3abbc6a72b25d8bc13fd9b5075283fcd9ec47b2a0bf6c5148a2e9e615b181e5b2c03abe63818ef70c61

I'm using the latest version 1.31. Yes I put quotes around the mnemonic.

Is it possible the program I used to generate the seed didn't create it correctly?

What does the error message from Ethdo mean?

mcdee commented

The message means that ethdo only saw the first word of the mnemonic, and is trying to use that as a general account specifier (e.g. an account name or validator index) rather than a full mnemonic. Can you try running the commands in my prior message and supplying the output?

The mnemonic is likely fine, it seems to be an issue with the input.

Thank you for clarifying. I ran your commands and it worked exactly the same for me.

Now I ran the same command again with my seed & it says:

./eth: No such file or directory

That doesn't sound good...

mcdee commented

eth is not the command, it is ethdo. You should take the command that worked and swap out the mnemonic, making no other changes.

I did it again and got this error message:

Error: failed to process: failed to derive account: mnemonic is invalid

Then I ran your command and mine again. Somehow the second time it generated the public key correctly. I'm not sure why but thank you so much for your help.