
newly registered domain names does not resolve

Closed this issue · 7 comments

A newly registered domain name that was registered on 05-03-2020 on ENS does not reverse resolve.


ens.ReverseResolve with robdefeo.eth resolves to 0x74dbac8dbca500185d4dc44679a451df1d9ef710 however 0x74dbac8dbca500185d4dc44679a451df1d9ef710 does not reverse resolve using v3.3.0

mcdee commented

It doesn't appear that this domain has a reverse resolver configured.

Do you know how I can do that?
I also tried the code example with wealdtech.eth from the readme modified slightly to use V3 and infura and it did not resolve. Do you know what I should be doing?

package main

import (

	ens "github.com/wealdtech/go-ens/v3"

func main() {
    client, err := ethclient.Dial("https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/")
    if err != nil {

    // Resolve a name to an address
    domain := "wealdtech.eth"
    address, err := ens.Resolve(client, domain)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Address of %s is %s\n", domain, address.Hex())
    // Reverse resolve an address to a name
    reverse, err := ens.ReverseResolve(client, address)
    if err != nil {
    if reverse == "" {
      fmt.Printf("%s has no reverse lookup\n", address.Hex())
    } else {
      fmt.Printf("Name of %s is %s\n", address.Hex(), reverse)

I also looked up https://etherscan.io/address/robdefeo.eth and https://etherscan.io/address/mailchain.eth they both appear to resolve correctly on etherscan

In addition if I try tim.mailchain.eth it does work. but mailchain.eth does not. Is there something wrong with NameHash

mcdee commented

NewReverseResolver() used the default reverse resolver. Since the upgrade there are additional reverse resolvers out there so I have added a function NewReverseResolverFor() that takes an address as an additional parameter and uses it to find the appropriate resolver. This appears to have fixed the issue, but please give it a try and let me know if it now behaves.

(You don't need to change your code just update the go-ens module to v3.4.0)

Thanks @mcdee that appears to have fixed the issue around mailchain.eth e.g. older address. The newer address robdefeo.eth still does not resolve though. Is this related to the recent changes by ENS?

mcdee commented

That domain does not have a reverse resolver set, as can be seen with Ethereal or https://etherscan.io/enslookup?q=robdefeo.eth