
Cannot install

zhum opened this issue · 2 comments

zhum commented

I try to follow instruction and create my first FAE site.
I've created Gemfile:

source 'https://rubygems.org'

gem 'rails', '~> 5.0.0'
gem 'fae-rails'

Then I ran bundle install (successfully) and bundle exec rails g fae:install, but got only:

  rails new APP_PATH [options]

If I install rails directly (via gem install) and then comment out it in Gemfile, I've got the same results (then instruction is strange, I do bundle install and then just rails, without bundle exec...).

What I missed?

Do you already have a Rail app created where you updated the gemfile? Are you in the project dir when you run the fae:install command?

zhum commented

A-ha! I need to modify existing Rail app Gemfile :) It is not so obviously from README. Now it works, thank you.